Nonprofit news

Facilitating for Difference Resources

This year we hosted two Facilitating for Difference workshop, led by Amanda Machado and Jose Gonzalez. Here are the resources they passed along for further learning. Resources provided by Amanda Machado & Jose GonzalezApproaches to Power Inequities – Moving to a...

2018 Arbor Week Poster and Video Winners

2018 Arbor Week Poster and Video Winners

We’re happy to announce the winners of the 2018 California Arbor Week Poster Contest. Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate, and congratulations to our winners! Big thanks to our Poster and Video Contest sponsor, CAL FIRE, USDA Forest Service, Pacific...

Re-Oaking California

Re-oaking your community: 3 ways to bring oaks back to California cities by Erica Spotswood Could restoring native oak trees to cities create a beautiful, functional, and climate-adapted urban forest for our children? In the newly released report “Re-oaking Silicon...

Supporting Ourselves as Community Activists

Supporting Ourselves as Community Activists

Supporting Ourselves as Community Activists - with the work of Joanna Macy Based on eco-philosopher Joanna Macy’s books, “The Spiral of the Work that Reconnects” and "Coming back to Life," Adélàjà Simon and Jen Scott facilitated a session of empowering dyad exercises...

ReLeaf Network Retreat 2017: Overview

Hi everyone! Thank you very much for coming to the ReLeaf Network Retreat and doing the hokey-pokey with us – putting your whole selves in and listening intentionally to become visionaries and even better catalysts for change while supporting communities through...

How to Use ReLeaf’s Twitter Lists

How to Use ReLeaf’s Twitter Lists

Have you ever used Twitter Lists? Lists are an AMAZING way to filter which tweets you’re scanning. For example, you can click on the ReLeaf Network list (once you've subscribed to our list) and then you'll see only ReLeaf Network member organization posts. A good way...