Below are tools and resources to help you take root in your community — whether by planting a tree, volunteering for an organization (or running your own!), or simply digging deeper into the data behind how trees make our communities better.
Much of this comes from our Network members, as well as other sites we love. We try to narrow to the best of the best, to save you the time of searching. Are you a community group and see something missing or have an idea of something relevant to add? Please contact us!
Tip for browsing: Many of the links below will direct you to another website. If you want to save your spot on our page while opening a link, try right-clicking the link and selecting “open link in new window.” Use these buttons to jump to the content you’re looking for:
Our Latest Resources:
Urban & Community Forestry Economic Impact Report Now Available!
California ReLeaf partnered with a national team of researchers from North Carolina State University, Cal Poly, and Virginia Tech to conduct a research study on the economic...
Learn Over Lunch with United Latinos Webinar Recording Now Available
Learn Over Lunch with United Latinos was recorded on December 11, 2024. Vincent Valdez, with United Latinos, discussed United Latinos' Green Team Program in Sacramento....
Educational Webinar: The Economic Impact of Urban & Community Forestry in California Recording Now Available
On December 9th, California ReLeaf hosted an Educational Webinar about the Economic Impact of Urban and Community Forestry in California. The webinar provided an overview of...

All Things Trees
Selection & Planning
- Tree Planting Event Toolkit – getting ready to host a tree planting event takes some planning – the toolkit will help you get ready for your event.
- Trees for the 21st Century is a guide produced by California ReLeaf that discusses eight steps to a thriving tree canopy, including the importance of tree selection.
- Tree Planting Event / Project Consideration Questions – Tree San Diego put together a helpful list of questions and considerations to ask yourself during the planning stages of your project or tree planting event, from Project Location, Species Selection, Watering, Maintenace, Monitoring & Mapping, and more.
- SelecTree – This program designed by the Urban Forestry Ecosystems Institute at Cal Poly is a tree selection database for California.
- Green Schoolyard America developed California Tree Palette for Schoolyard Forests to help school districts and school communities select trees appropriate for a schoolyard setting as well as climate change considerations. The Tree Palate includes helping you find your sunset zone (climate zone) and recommended palette by sunset zone.
- Tree Quality Cue Card – When you’re at the nursery, this cue card helps you choose the best quality tree stock to plant. Available in English or Spanish.
- The Sunset Western Garden Book can tell you more about your area’s hardiness zone and appropriate plants for your climate.
- WUCOLS provides an assessment of irrigation water needs for over 3,500 species.
- Climate Ready Trees – The US Forest Service has partnered with UC Davis to identify trees that perform well under stressors associated with climate change in California’s Central Valley, Inland Empire and Southern California Coast climate zones. This research website showcases promising tree species that have been evaluated in targeting climate zones.
- Urban Horticulture Institute at Cornell University has a helpful source for assessing tree planting sites. See their Site Assessment Guide and Checklist which might be helpful in selecting the right tree for your planting site.
- Looking to Host a Tree Give-Away Program? Check out UCANR / UCCE Master Gardener of San Bernardino Program: Trees for Tomorrow Toolkit to get ideas on how you can shape a successful tree giveaway. (Toolkit: English / Spanish) You can also watch a short video about the Trees for Tomorrow program.
- Fruit Tree Selection Considerations (UC Master Gardener The California Backyard Orchard)
- Budgeting for Tree Care Success – a California ReLeaf Webinar designed to help you budget for the success of their upcoming grant proposal or your new or existing tree-planting program.
- How to Plant a Tree Guide and Video (Sacramento Tree Foundation)
- Canopy’s Proven Tree-Planting Techniques
- Printable Tree-Planting Guide (TreePeople)
- Tree Planting Cue Card – This card from the Urban Tree Foundation helps you remember the important steps you can take to help your tree get the best start possible. The card is available in English or Spanish.
- Tree Planting Guidance (Trees Are Good / ISA) Information on proper practices for planting a tree with a nine-step approach to successful planting and establishment.
- Tree Staking Guidance (Urban Tree Foundation)
- Fruit Trees: Planting and Care of Young Trees (UCANR)
Care & Health
- Pruning Cue Card. It is recommended to prune your tree in the first few years after it’s been planted to gradually create good structure and form. The card is available in English or Spanish.
- Pruning Guidance and Videos (Sacramento Tree Foundation)
- Training Young Trees for Structure and Form Video Series (Larry Costello – UCCE Sacramento)
- Guide to Tree Pruning (Inland Urban Forest Council)
- Educational Webinar: Tree Care Through Establishment (ReLeaf grantee Webinar with guest speaker Doug Wildman)
- Educational Webinar: Tree Health Monitoring (ReLeaf Webinar with guest speaker Doug Wildman)
- Tree Health Monitoring Spreadsheet and Tracking Sheet Templates. Feel free to use our Excel Data Collection Spreadsheet Template, which can be customized and used to populate the Tree Health Monitoring Tracking Sheet Template using Microsoft Word’s “Mail Merge” function.
- Tree Owner’s Manual (USDA Forest Service)
- Hire an Arborist (Canopy): helps residents select qualified professionals to care for their trees.
- Tree work can be complex, and sometimes dangerous. Certified arborists will know the smartest and safest approach to caring for your tree. To find an arborist, browse listings from the International Society of Arboriculture.
- Western Chapter ISA
- California Master Gardeners Program
- Fruit and Nut Tree Pruning Guidelines for Arborists (University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources)
- Orchard People: has articles, online courses, podcasts, and more about Fruit Tree Care.
Drought Guidance
- Trees and Drought (ReLeaf)
- Save Our Water and Our Trees – Tips for Water Wise Tree Care Brochure (Canopy)
- Water Wise Tree Care Guide- available in multiple languages (Sacramento Tree Foundation)
- Water-Wise Mature Tree Care Tips (CAL FIRE)
- Water Wise Young Tree Care Tips (CAL FIRE)
- Waterwise Tree Care Guidance and Brochure (Inland Urban Forest Council)
- Are Your Trees Stressed? (Arbor Day Foundation)
Winter Storm Guidance
- Pre and Post Winter Storm Tree Care Tips Video (CAL FIRE)
- Winter Storm Ready Tree Care Guidance (CAL FIRE)
- When A Storm Strikes Guidance (Arbor Day Foundation Bulletin)
- Recognizing Tree Hazards: A Photographic Guide for Homeowners (University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources)
- Western Tree Failure Database (University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources)
- The Community Forest Storm Mitigation Planning Workbook (Green Infrastructure Center)
Pest and Disease Guidance
- Pest and Disease information (Canopy)
- Common Tree Problems and Possible Solutions (Friends of the Urban Forest)
- UC Integrated Pest Management: This statewide integrated pest management program has several great pages to help identify pests and diseases.
- Plant/Tree Problem Diagnostic Tool (UCANR)
- Invasive Shothole Borers (UCANR)
- Sudden Oak Death (UCANR)
- The California Oak Mortality Task Force
- A Field Guide to Insects and Diseases of California Oaks – USDA Forest Service publication
- California Oak Disease and Arthropod Database
- Pest and Disease – Recommended Books
- Abiotic Disorders of Landscape Plants: A Diagnostic Guide – Author Laurence Raleigh Costello
- Natural Enemies Handbook: The Illustrated Guide to Biological Pest Control – Author Mary Louise Flint, Steve H. Dreistadt
- Pest of the Garden and Small Farm: A Grower’s Guide to Using Less Pesticide – Author Marie Louise Flint
- Pests of Landscape Trees and Shrubs – Author Steve H. Dreistadt
Calculators & Other Tree Data / Mapping Tools
- i-Tree – A software suite from the USDA Forest Service that provides urban forestry analysis and benefits assessment tools.
- National Tree Benefit Calculator – Make a simple estimation of the benefits that an individual street tree provides.
- Tree Carbon Calculator – The only tool approved by the Climate Action Reserve’s Urban Forest Project Protocol for quantifying carbon dioxide sequestration from tree planting projects.
- Read more about the above tools here.
- NatureScore – Developed by NatureQuant this tool measures the amount and quality of natural elements of any address. NatureQuant analyzes and blends various data sets and processed information within a given radius, including satellite infrared measurements, GIS and land classifications, park data and features, tree canopies, air, noise and light pollutions, and computer vision elements (aerial and street images).
- Tree Equity Score –Developed by American Forests, to help communities understand tree canopy coverage in their area.
- National Urban Tree Canopy Assessment Tool – Developed in partnership with PlanIT Geo, Arbor Day Foundation and the USDA Forest Service, this mapping tool shows the percentage of tree canopy cover and canopy cover changes over time in an interactive digital map to engage policymakers, community members, and organizations involved in community greening.
- California Schoolyards Tree Equity Study Map – Developed by Green Schoolyards America this tool quantifies the extent of tree distribution across California public school campuses.
- Community Assessment & Goal Setting Tool – Vibrant Cities Lab
- Healthy Trees, Healthy Cities Mobile App – The Nature Conservancy’s Healthy Trees, Healthy Cities (HTHC) Tree Health initiative seeks to protect the health of our nation’s trees, forests, and communities by creating a culture of stewardship that engages people in long-term stewardship and monitoring of the trees in their respective communities. Learn more about the app, which assists with urban tree monitoring and care.
- SelecTree – Cal Poly’s Urban Forest Ecosystem Institute’s Tree Selection Guide
- Urban Tree Inventory – Cal Poly’s Urban Forest Ecosystem Institute’s compiled data tool which shows street tree inventory from California’s largest tree companies.
- Urban Tree Detector – Cal Poly’s Urban Forest Ecosystem Institute’s map of trees in urban reserve of California. The map is based on NAIP imager from 2020.
- Database & Tree Tracking (presentation recording) – Three Network members share about how their organizations map and track trees at the 2019 Network Retreat.
- Urban Ecos is a consulting company who can assist grant applicants to plan GHG reduction projects and quantify the benefits of trees.
Advocating for Trees in Your Community
- Advocacy 101 Guide (California Urban Forests Council)
- Tips & Techniques for Effective Advocacy (California Urban Forests Council)
- Tree Spokesperson Training Guide (California Urban Forests Council)
- How To Video: Canvasing & Advocacy (California Urban Forests Council)
- Sample Public Comment Talking Points & Advocacy Letters to Elected Officials (California Urban Forests Council)
- Tree Planning and Planting Campaigns: A Guide for Reforesting Cities and Towns (Green Infrastructure Center) – This guide was written to assist planners, urban foresters, arborists, community tree advocates, and elected officials in making a case for urban canopies and funding for urban forest expansion and strategic tree planting campaigns.
- Advocating for Green Schoolyards (Green Schoolyards America)
- Build a Stakeholder Coalition (Vibrant Cities Lab)
- Urban Forest Advocacy: Growing Possibilities (Arbor Day Foundation)
- Benefits of Trees (California ReLeaf) – learn about the many benefit of trees with research and study citations.
- U.S. Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station
- New Urban Greening Research with Bill Sullivan (2020 Retreat Presentation)
- Treesearch (USFS): A database that allows users to search the Forest Service’s library of research publications by keyword, author, or title.
- Vibrant Cities – Urban Tree Benefits Research Page
- Jobs in the Urban Forest (Ecotrust and PolicyLink)
- Children & Nature Network supports those who work to reconnect children with nature, including tracking recent research on the influence of nature on children.
- Human Dimensions of Urban Forestry and Urban Greening
- Green Cities: Good Health (University of Washington Research)
- Environmental Scan of Urban Forest Opportunities in California
- Standardizing the Return on Investment for Urban and Community Forestry Resources (University of Maryland)
- Northern California Coast Community Tree Guide (USFS)
- Eureka Report (California ReLeaf report)
- More research can be found in our updates here!
UCF Municipal Planning Resources
- Guidelines for Developing and Evaluating Tree Ordinances (International Society of Arboriculture): a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in developing, revising, or evaluating local tree ordinances.
- Urban Forest Management Plan Toolkit: a free resource designed to help you develop an urban forest management plan for your city, campus, business park, or any other urban forest setting.
- Tree Planning and Planting Campaigns: A Guide for Reforesting Cities and Towns (Green Infrastructure Center) – This guide was written to assist planners, urban foresters, arborists, community tree advocates, and elected officials in making a case for urban canopies and funding for urban forest expansion and strategic tree planting campaigns.
- Development Practice and Ordinances as Predictor of Tree Canopy (Vibrant Cities Lab)
- Urban Tree Canopy Assessment: A Community’s Path to Understanding and Managing the Urban Forest (USDA Forest Service Report)
- Urban Forestry Toolbox (American Public Works Association) This toolbox provides information on tree preservation and protection, design considerations for new trees, and the benefits of including trees in asset management systems for Public Works Professionals.
- Urban Forestry Management System Asset Management Plan Example (City of Chula Vista)
Great Sites to Know
- California ReLeaf Youtube Channel (Webinar recordings)
- CAL FIRE Department of Urban and Community Forestry
- USDA Forest Service Urban and Community Forest Program
- California Urban Forests Council
- Vibrant Cities Lab – Research, case studies, and an Urban Forestry Toolkit
- Urban and Community Forest Sustainability Standard (Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI))
- AmericanHort represents the entire horticulture industry. The site includes industry statistics, current research, resources, events, educational webinars, and advocacy information.
- Reimagining the Civic Commons – has many community engagement resources.
- Tree Stories Toolkit – Guidance on how to collect and share personal stories about trees helps communities recognize their special connection to urban nature and to each other.

Nonprofit Resources
Finance & Fundraising
- Budgeting for Nonprofits – (National Council of Nonprofits)
- Nonprofit Audit Guide – (National Council of Nonprofits)
- Operating Reserves – (National Council of Nonprofits)
- Financial Fundamentals for Nonprofits – (Nonprofit Finance Fund)
- Cash Flow Management – (Propel Nonprofits)
- Cash Flow Management: A Tactical Review for Nonprofits of All Sizes Webinar Recording – (Nonprofit Financial Commons)
- Finance Unlocked for Nonprofits Guide – (Nonprofit Association of Washington)
- Characteristics of Financially Healthy Nonprofits – (Propel Nonprofits)
- Do you Have the “Right Revenue?” – (Spectrum Nonprofit Services)
- True Business Planning for Nonprofits Webinar Recording – (Nonprofit Financial Commons)
- Blue Avocado Fundraising Articles
- Storytelling for Impact (California ReLeaf Webinar)
- Working with Foundations (California ReLeaf Webinar)
- The Dos and Don’ts of Acquiring Major Donors (Network for Good Webinar)
- 7 Donor Communication Mistakes to Avoid (Slides)
Grant Management
- Grant Management 101 (Webinar Recording) – Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Boards of Directors
- Effective Nonprofit Board Governance – (Propel Nonprofits)
- Serve on a Board (Board Source)
- Tips for being an exceptional board member (Board Source)
- Bylaws Checklist (Blue Avocado)
- Legal/Compliance Tips (Blue Avocado)
- Nonprofit Board Resource Center (Bridgespan Group)
- Fiscal Sponsorship: 6 Ways to Do It Right (Book)
- Resiliency Tactics During Financial Crisis: The Nonprofit Resiliency Framework – Wiley Research Article
- Emergency Succession Plan Template – (Propel Nonprofits)
- Risk Assessment Template – Tangelo Tree Consulting)
- Canva for Nonprofits: Discover the easy way to create high-impact social media graphics and marketing materials. Nonprofits can get Canva’s premium features for free. Canva has great training videos for Nonprofits on their YouTube Channel.
- Graphic Design Tips and Tricks (ReLeaf Webinar)
- Community-Based Social Marketing & Overcoming Barriers in Tree Care (2018 ReLeaf Webinar)
- Marketing and Communications Tips (Blue Avocado)
- Free infographic/diagram software
- Social Media Posting Guide (TopNonprofits)
- Sample Press Release (Canopy)
Great Sites to Know
- How To Start A Nonprofit Guide: A step-by-step guide (plus additional resources) from CalNonprofits.
- National Network of Fiscal Sponsors: an organization that offers best practices of fiscal sponsorship.
- The Impact Foundry: an organization dedicated to enhancing and improving the management of nonprofit organizations in California.
- CalNonprofits: California’s association of nonprofit organizations.
- Blue Avocado: a nonprofit online magazine for community nonprofits offering practical and provocative information. Great for templates and best practices.
- Nonprofit AF: a weekly blog with a fresh, insightful, funny voice offering resources, insight, and empathy for nonprofits
- Accounting Considerations for Nonprofits: a helpful review of nonprofit financial issues from The University of Scranton.
- CompassPoint Nonprofit Services Blog: resources about leadership, self care, DEI, fundraising, and more.
- Chan Zuckerburg Initiative provides free capacity building webinars and resources for nonprofits and community groups.
- Volunteer Recruitment Tips
- Volunteer Management: How to Get it Right (Blue Avocado)
- 10 Organizational Standards for Quality Volunteer Management
- Top 6 Volunteer Resources for Nonprofits
- Volunteer Management Library (Energ!ze)
- Recruiting Volunteers (Energ!ze)
- Retaining Volunteers (Energ!ze)
- Sample Volunteer Waiver and Photo Release (.docx download)
- The California ReLeaf Network is a group of nonprofits and community groups who are championing urban forestry in their communities. Join us to Network with and learn from other groups!
- Alliance for Community Trees creates a national support network for grassroots, citizen-based nonprofit organizations dedicated to urban and community tree planting, care, conservation, and education.
- Sample Tree Care Program Agreement
- Sample Memorandum of Agreement 2
- Sample Memorandum of Agreement 3
- Sample Memorandum of Agreement 4
- Sample Grant Tracking Template