California ReLeaf Tree Inventory Program - Image of Tree Canopy

Network Tree Inventory Program

About Our Program

In 2023, California ReLeaf secured grant funding from the U.S. Forest Service and CAL FIRE to implement a brand-new statewide Tree Inventory Program to support nonprofit tree planting and tree care efforts across the state. California ReLeaf’s Tree Inventory Program provides ReLeaf Network Members and grantees FREE organizational user accounts to PlanIT Geo’s TreePlotter Inventory software under California ReLeaf’s umbrella account.

In addition to tree inventory software access, Network Members and Grantees receive training, resource guides, and technical support. Scroll down to learn more about the benefits of inventorying trees, program eligibility, application information, and upcoming training dates.

California ReLeaf's Network Tree Inventory Program - TreePlotter Landing Page
The ReLeaf Network Tree Map is our collective map of tree inventories from California ReLeaf Network Member Organizations participating in our statewide program. We invite you to explore the map to view individual Network Member organization’s inventories. In the summer of 2024, you will also be able to view the ecological benefits of the trees inventoried, including data about air pollution and stormwater reduction, carbon sequestration, and energy savings. 

What is a Tree Inventory?

Tree inventory surveys provide information about individual trees planted and/or managed by an organization. A tree inventory provides critical information about these trees, including but not limited to tree species, location, health, age, size, funding source, maintenance needs, etc.

Inventories allow organizations to collect and share valuable data on trees they plant and care for, including the eco-benefits those trees provide to their community. Tree inventories are also an assessment tool, helping organizations make data-driven decisions that improve their tree planting program – especially concerning tree survival. Simply put, tree inventories tell organizations what they have and help them identify ways to improve how they plant, care for, and manage trees to help them stay alive and thrive.

Image of large trees in a park

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Inventory Your Trees

1. Visually Share Your Organization’s Tree Planting Impact

2. Report the Eco-Benefits of Your Trees 

3. Make Data-Driven Decisions to Optimize Tree Health and Longevity

4. Record and Track Future Tree Planting Sites 

5. Easily Track Grant/Donor Funded Trees and Projects 

Program Eligibility Requirements

Below are our eligibility requirements for the Network Tree Inventory Program. For additional questions, please contact Alex Binck.

Be an Active California ReLeaf Network Member or an Active ReLeaf Grantee
Only Active California ReLeaf Network Members and Grantees are eligible for this program.

Not sure if you are a ReLeaf Network Member? Check our listing page.

Want to learn about Network Membership? Visit our Membership Page to learn how your community group or nonprofit can join the Network.

“Active Network Member” means: Network Member must renew their membership annually (January/February) and complete our annual Network Impact Survey (July/August). We also encourage Network Members to participate in our peer-to-peer programs like our Learn Over Lunch Series throughout the year and Network Retreat (May). 

“Active ReLeaf Grantee” means that you have an active grant with California ReLeaf. All ReLeaf grantees are required to use the software in documented trees planted with ReLeaf grant funding. See individual grant types for reporting and tree inventory use requirements.

Attend Tree Inventory Program Training Sessions
Network Member organizations participating in our Tree Inventory Program must agree to attend or watch recorded training sessions to be eligible to receive a TreePlotter user account. California ReLeaf will provide both virtual webinar trainings as well as in person trainings. Please see the training session schedule below.
Follow Best Management Practices in Data Collection
Quality data collection is critically important for accurate reporting. We expect all ReLeaf Network Members to adhere to the best management practices outlined in training and resource guidelines. California ReLeaf support staff will provide data collection audits and coaching to organizations as needed.   We expect Network Members to communicate any issues or challenges to ReLeaf’s support staff to ensure accurate data collection.  Collective ReLeaf Network tree inventory data will be made available to our grant funders CAL FIRE and the US Forest Service – it is essential that your organization’s information is accurate to ensure quality statewide reporting. 
Actively Use the Tree Inventory Software
We expect those who apply and receive a TreePlotter Network Member User Account to be actively engaged in tracking their trees. If you determine that you do not have the adequate time, resources, or training to be actively involved in the Tree Inventory Software Program – we ask that you notify ReLeaf support staff. 

Application Process

Network Member organizations must complete a Tree Inventory Program application and agree to participate in our training program in order to receive a free organizational user account to TreePlotter through our program. Please see our program eligibility requirements listed above prior to submitting an application.

Step 1 – Use our online application form to apply for an organization user account.

Step 2 – ReLeaf staff will contact you and help you set up your organizational user account

Step 3 – Attend Training Opportunities (i.e. Virtual, In-Person and Sandbox Tutorials – See registration links below)

Step 4 – Actively Plot and Track your Organization’s Trees

Upcoming Training Dates

TreePlotter Sandbox Trainings / Virtual Office Hours

Get hands-on instruction from California ReLeaf staff on how to most effectively use TreePlotter for your organization’s projects. Only register if your organization has completed the Network Tree Inventory Program Application. Please note, each session is limited to 5 registrants.

Dates & Registration Links:

Wed., July 31 | 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Wed., Aug. 7 | 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Wed., Aug. 14 | 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Wed., Aug. 21 | 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Wed., Aug. 28 | 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Wed., Sept. 4 | 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Wed., Sept. 11 | 2 p.m. – 3 p.m.

TreePlotter Training Webinars

Are you interested in learning more advanced features of TreePlotter? View upcoming training webinars below and register today. We recommend you watch our Introductory TreePlotter Training (scroll down to webinar recordings) prior to participating in an advanced training webinar.

There are currently no scheduled webinars. Stay tuned for announcements.

TreePlotter Video Tutorials

Orientation to TreePlotter

PlanIT Geo produced this 30-minute video that reviews all basic TreePlotter features.

Interactive Legend

In addition to this video, PlanIT Geo also produced this companion written tutorial: Interactive Legend

Advanced Filter

In addition to this video, PlanIT Geo also produced this companion written tutorial: Advanced Filter

Data Table

In addition to this video, PlanIT Geo also produced this companion written tutorial: Data Views

Map Scenarios

In addition to this video, PlanIT Geo, also produced this companion written tutorial: Map Scenarios

Webinar Recordings

Network Tree Inventory Program Overview Webinar

You can learn more about California ReLeaf’s Tree Inventory Program by watching the webinar recording below. The webinar reviews our new program, the application process, eligibility, training resources, and how Network Members can sign up for their FREE user account to TreePlotter.

Introductory Training – TreePlotter Basics Webinar

The Network Tree Inventory Program – Introductory TreePlotter Training Webinar was held on March 26, 2024. The webinar covers how to use basic features of your PlanIt Geo – TreePlotter user account – including how to log in and plot trees for your organization as well as California ReLeaf’s custom fields and use information.

Tree Health Monitoring – Part 1

The ReLeaf Network, Tree Inventory Tree Health Monitoring training webinar was held on July 10, 2024. Part 1 covers designing a monitoring program and using TreePlotter to collect your tree-monitoring data.

Tree Health Monitoring – Part 2

The ReLeaf Network, Tree Inventory Tree Health Monitoring training webinar was held on July 10, 2024. Part 2 covers data collection, including recording trunk diameter or DBH, assessing and recording crown vigor, tree photography, field observations, and other recording measurements or notes.

TreePlotter Work Records Training Webinar

This training reviews how to use TreePlotter’s Work Order Records feature, which allows you to assign tree maintenance activities and notify team members when work is due.

Resource Library

PlanIT Geo TreePlotter Software Suite Support Page graphic
TreePlotter Support Page – This page has many helpful resources, including FAQs, How-tos, Tutorial Videos, and a searchable index.
California ReLeaf Network Tree Inventory Program User Guide and Data Field Definitions icon
View our Network Tree Inventory User’s Guide that includes custom data field definitions.
USDA Forest Service Urban Tree Planting Field Guide Resource Image
Urban Tree Monitoring Field Guide – This resource provides detailed information about how to collect urban tree monitoring data. The Field Guide contains protocols for monitoring urban trees in the field for change over time metrics, such as rates of mortality/survival and growth, and changes in crown vigor. The Field Guide is available in English and Spanish.
USDA Forest Service Logos and an image of the USDA Forest Service Urban Tree Monitoring Field Guide Resource Guide Cover
  • Urban Tree Monitoring Resource Guide – The Urban Tree Monitoring Resource guide is a companion to the Urban Tree Monitoring Field Guide. The Resource Guide contains strategies and best practices for designing and implementing a monitoring project, such as aligning goals with variable selection, structuring longitudinal data sets, and managing field crews. This report also contains examples of the monitoring protocols in action. The Resource Guide is also available in English and Spanish.
USDA Forest Service Urban Tree Monitoring YouTube Training Series - featuring the thumbnail image of the video.

Technical Support

Have questions or need help? Contact Alex Binck, California ReLeaf’s Tree Inventory Tech Support Program Manager. If you have a ReLeaf Network TreePlotter User Account you can also contact PlanIT Geo Support.

Thank you to our Tree Inventory Program Sponsors!

This project was made possible by funding from the U.S. Forest Service and by Proposition 68 funding made available through the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Urban and Community Forestry Program. 

U.S. Foreste Service Department of Agriculture
Prop 68 logo with words that read State of California Parks and Water Bond 2018