Megan Dukett

Interview with Dana Karcher

Current Position? Market Manager - Western Region, Davey Resource Group What is/was your relationship to ReLeaf? I worked at Executive Director of the Tree foundation of Kern from 2002 to 2006 and we were a member organization. In my current job at Davey Resource...

A Conversation with Felix Posos

Current Position: Currently I’m the Director of Digital Production at DGWB Advertising in Santa Ana California. I basically manage the strategy, design and development of websites, facebook apps, mobile apps and email campaigns for clients like Mimi’s Café, Toshiba,...

Conversation with Ken Knight

Current Position: Executive Director, Goleta Valley Beautiful What is/was your relationship to ReLeaf? I was a Board member of Goleta Valley Beautiful for 6 years beginning in the mid 1990’s before transitioning to Executive Director in 2001. We have been a member of...

Conversation with Jean Nagy

Current Position:/strong> President of Huntington Beach Tree Society (since 1998) What is/was your relationship to ReLeaf? 1998 to present - Network member and Grant recipient. This is an all-volunteer organization. What did/does California ReLeaf mean to you? ReLeaf...

Interview with Corey Brown

Cory Brown, Attorney/Program Officer, Resources Legacy Fund What is/was your relationship to ReLeaf? From 1990 to 2000, I directed the Trust for Public Land’s Sacramento office and the Western Region’s government affairs program when CA ReLeaf was a project of TPL. ...

Conversation with Greg McPherson

Current Position: Research Forester, Urban Ecosystems and Social Dynamics Program, PSW Research Station, USDA Forest Service What is/was your relationship to ReLeaf? 1993 – when I started at Western Center for Urban Forest Research and Education. In 2000 this became...

Make a Difference Day

Make A Difference Day is this Saturday, October 24! Some of our ReLeaf Network Members and partners are doing some pretty cool activities to make a difference in their communities. Are you making a difference in the world around you this week? Email...

Drought in the News

Here are a few great media resources for news on trees in the drought: “We’re trying to educate the community while scaling down on landscape watering during conservation” from San Jose Mercury News “It’s an emergency situation. These trees are everywhere, all around...