Urban & Community Forestry Economic Contribution to California

A 2021 Statewide Research Study

About the Research Study

California ReLeaf partnered with a national team of researchers from North Carolina State University, Cal Poly, and Virginia Tech to conduct a research study on the economic contributions of Urban and Community Forestry (U&CF) to California in 2021. This study was funded through a grant from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)’s Urban and Community Forestry Program. This work was also made possible by the support and encouragement of stakeholders related to urban and community forestry in California.

The research study results highlight the substantial economic impact of the U&CF sector in California.

Key Findings:

  • Direct Contributions: In 2021, the U&CF sector contributed approximately $7.0 billion to California’s industry output and $4.1 billion in value-added, supporting 52,054 full- and part-time jobs.

  • Total Contributions: Including direct, indirect, and induced effects, the U&CF sector’s total contribution to the state economy amounted to $12.9 billion in industry output, employing over 78,560 people with a payroll of roughly $5.1 billion.

Learn More

  • We invite you to read the statewide report or watch our educational webinar, which provides an overview of the research study. Scroll down to access regional reports and infographics to share with your community.
Images of logos: California ReLeaf, CAL FIRE, US Forest Service, NC State University, Cal Poly and Virginia Tech

Statewide Report & Infographic

Webinar About the Economic Research Study Results

Our Research Team

Rajan Parajuli, PhD, and Shila Pokhrel
North Carolina State University

Eric Wiseman, PhD, and Brittany Christensen
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Natalie Love, PhD
California Polytechnic State University
(currently at the University of Illinois at Chicago)

Image of San Francisco with clear skies