Over the past few weeks, I've been lucky enough to work with some very dedicated people in two of California's largest cities - San Diego and Stockton. It's been amazing to see both what needs to be accomplished in these cities and how hard these individuals are...
Neighbors Rally at HBTS Event
by California ReLeaf | Sep 9, 2013 | Grants, Network, Resources, Updates
On August 24, a few volunteers met to plant ten trees in Burke Park in Huntington Beach. It turned out that the park, surrounded by a residential area, was the perfect spot for the Huntington Beach Tree Society to plant trees and educate volunteers about their...
Fallen Trees Drive Study
by California ReLeaf | Aug 2, 2013 | Research, Resources
In June, Minnesota was bombarded by storms. High winds and heavy rains meant that there were many felled trees by the end of the month. Now, University of Minnesota researchers are taking a crash course in treefall. These researchers are scrambling to to...
General Tips for Watering Trees
by California ReLeaf | Jun 6, 2013 | Resources
Young trees should be watered deeply on a weekly basis to encourage deep root growth. To do this, set your hose on a slow trickle for several hours at the base of the tree or use a soaker hose around the tree. Mature trees should be watered deeply beyond the...
A Walk in the Woods
by California ReLeaf | May 30, 2013 | Resources
Last week, I had to walk a few blocks to drop off some paperwork at a downtown office. It was a lovely day, but it was made even better because of the beautiful trees in Sacramento. There were lots of people out and about - enjoying their lunch breaks, taking...
A Higher Purpose
by California ReLeaf | May 27, 2013 | Arbor Week, Grants, Network, Research, Resources, Updates
A tree can be many things: an air filter, a playground, a shade structure, a landmark. One of the highest purposes a tree can serve, though, is as a memorial. Recently, through support from California ReLeaf, the Incredible Edible Community Garden (IECG)...
May is Water Awareness Month
by California ReLeaf | May 16, 2013 | Resources
Yesterday, we hosted a webinar titled, "Making Urban Forestry a Part of California's Water Conversation." Our three amazing speakers - Alf Brandt, Edith de Guzman, and Deborah Weinstein - shared current projects, ideas, and challenges with ReLeaf Network members. We...
Making Urban Forestry Part of California’s Water Conversation
by California ReLeaf | May 13, 2013 | Advocacy, Network, Research, Resources, Updates
Water can be a contentious issue in California's communities. With resources becoming more limited and restrictions increasing, it's important to make sure that urban forestry finds it's place as one of the solutions Californians turn to to solve their water problems....
California Needs Urban Forests
by California ReLeaf | May 6, 2013 | Network, Research, Resources, Updates
Ask anyone and they'll most likely tell you they love trees. California's cities and towns need trees, but not just to beautify the landscape. Trees do so much more! Click on the infographic below to visit a fully interactive version on our website. The next...
Inspiring Environmental Educator
by California ReLeaf | Apr 19, 2013 | Grants, Resources, Updates
When California ReLeaf was awarded funding through the EPA's Environmental Education Sub-Grant Program, the organization started looking for an environmental educator to work with us to develop grant guidelines and review grants proposals. ReLeaf was lucky enough to...