
Welcome to Houston Park

The underserved Houston neighborhood in Visalia had no public gathering places or recreational facilities. The new Houston Neighborhood Park, planted by Urban Tree Foundation in partnership with California ReLeaf, represents the hard work of numerous volunteers from...

Lessons Learned in Pennsylvania

By Keith McAleer   It was a pleasure to represent Tree Davis at this year’s Partners in Community Forestry National Conference in Pittsburgh (a big thank you to California ReLeaf for making my attendance possible!).  The annual Partners conference is a unique...

Getting Exotic in San Jose

Saturdays in November in San Jose just got a little more exciting.   Our City Forest, a California ReLeaf Network member in San Jose, is hosting free exotic tree tours from 2 to 3 p.m. on November 9 and 16 at the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum.   Home to human...

Planting Trees Around the World

TreeMusketeers, a California ReLeaf Network member and kid-led tree planting nonprofit in Los Angeles, has been encouraging kids around the world to plant trees. Their 3x3 Campaign began to get three million trees planted by three million kids to fight global warming....

RFP for Tree Planting Program

You are invited to participate in the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for the Invest From the Ground Up-Community Tree Planting Program.    The Invest From the Ground Up-Community Tree Planting Program is a regional tree planting and education program led by...