California ReLeaf

Our City Forest

Our City Forest

Our City Forest is one of 17 organizations statewide selected to receive funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which is being administered by California ReLeaf. Our City Forest’s mission is to cultivate a green and healthy San José metropolis by...

Can trees make you happy?

Read this interview from OnEarth Magazine with Dr. Kathleen Wolf, a social scientist at both the University of Washington’s School of Forest Resources and at the U.S. Forest Service, who studies how trees and green spaces can make urban dwellers healthier and...

Legislature Makes Arbor Week Official

California Arbor Week was celebrated from March 7-14 throughout the state this year, and thanks to the help of Assemblyman Roger Dickinson (D – Sacramento) will continue to be recognized for years to come. Assembly Concurrent Resolution 10 (ACR 10) was introduced by...

California Native Plant Week: April 17 – 23

Californians will be celebrating the very first California Native Plant Week April 17-23, 2011.  The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) hopes to inspire a greater appreciation and understanding of our incredible natural heritage and biological diversity. Join the...