What’s new at ReLeaf, and an archive of our grants, press, events, resources and more
New Website
Oct 29, 2009 | Updates
Welcome to California ReLeaf's new website! The website features tools that we hope will make it easier for people to learn about urban forestry, find a tree group in their area, and stay up-to-date on the latest projects, research and volunteer opportunities. These...
Tree Partners Foundation
Oct 27, 2009 | Network
By: Crystal Ross O’Hara A small but dedicated group in Atwater called the Tree Partners Foundation is changing the landscape and changing lives. Founded and headed by the enthusiastic Dr. Jim Williamson, the fledgling organization has already formed partnerships with...
Orange for Trees
Oct 27, 2009 | Network
By: Crystal Ross O’Hara What began 13 years ago as a class project has become a thriving tree organization in the city of Orange. In 1994, Dan Slater—who later that year was elected to the Orange city council—took part in a leadership class. For his class project he...
Urban Forestry Success Stories
Oct 27, 2009 | Network
Through an education and outreach grant from California ReLeaf, the Huntington Beach Tree Society was able to include 42,000 brochures outlining the benefits of urban trees in the city water bill. This mailing was followed by a second mailing with 42,000 Arbor Day...
Urban ReLeaf
Oct 27, 2009 | Network
by: Crystal Ross O'Hara When Kemba Shakur first left her job as a corrections officer at Soledad State Prison 15 years ago and moved to Oakland she saw what many newcomers and visitors to the urban community see: a barren cityscape devoid of both trees and...