Announcing another hands-on training from Goldspotted Oak Borer (GSOB) researchers and specialists while in the field. Topics covered at this 3-hour training include identification of goldspotted oak borer and other insect pests; identification of oak diseases and pathogens; assessing oaks at risk and oak woodland health; Zone of Infestation, firewood best management practices and more! This event is being offered FREE of charge but registration is required.
There is considerable concern about the Goldspotted Oak Borer (GSOB), an invasive, non-native wood borer that has attacked and killed over 80,000 native oak trees in San Diego County. The information provided would be helpful to landowners and others who are concerned about the stewardship of oaks and oak woodlands. Our goal is to inform as many people as we can about the threat of GSOB, symptoms of a GSOB attack, how to diagnose a declining tree and what to do to avoid an infestation.