
We’ll Drink to That!

This year, Barefoot Wineries has created a new wine called "Impressions" to celebrate the work that nonprofits to to strengthen our communities. Each bottle will feature a "Sole of the Year".   We're proud to say that the founder of Urban Releaf, a California...

The First Orange of the Season

The First Orange of the Season

Today I will eat my first orange of the season from my backyard orange tree. It will surely be the first of many sweet oranges that will fill my lunchbox this winter.   I love my orange tree. It shades our home, fills the air with fragrant blossoms in the spring,...

Farewell Policy Champs

Nearly 25% of California’s State Legislature termed out in November, including numerous champions for urban forestry, parks, open space and environmental protection.  And while we welcome those new members of the State Assembly and Senate that bring them with bold and...

California ReLeaf on GuideStar

GuideStar is an organization that publishes information about nonprofit organizations across the country on   This website is an important tool used by corporate and foundation funders and individual donors to research prospective nonprofit...

Healthy Trees, Healthy Kids!

On October 6, 2012, Canopy, a local nonprofit group, and California ReLeaf Network member, dedicated to planting trees for healthier communities, will bring together corporate and community volunteer groups to plant 120 shade and fruit trees. In collaboration with...