
Run for Stewards of the Coast & Redwoods

If you're looking for something to do this weekend, think about joining one of the races at Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve and Austin Creek State Recreation Area. These races benefit Stewards of the Coast & Redwoods, a member of the California ReLeaf...

Partnerships Pave Path to Success

Last summer, California ReLeaf suddenly found itself in the unenviable position of being the torch-bearer for nonprofits across the state with regards to critical legislation that would set in statute eligible recipients for cap and trade funding. The first thing we...

Being Green in April

This month affords lots of opportunities for people to be green. With flowers in bloom and trees beginning to show their leaves, it's easy to show your love for Mother Nature. Earth Day and National Arbor Day afford two opportunities next week.   Monday, April 22...

A City Without Trees

Can you imagine what your city would be like without trees? It may be harder for you to imagine what it would be like with trees.   You can see for yourself what a difference trees make. We hope you're helping to create this kind of difference in your community...

My Favorite Tree: Gail Church

To celebrate California Arbor Week, which begins later this week on March 7th, we'll be bringing you a series of blog posts on the favorite trees of California ReLeaf board and staff members. Today, we hear from Gail Church, Executive Director of Tree Musketeers and a...

One Month to CA Arbor Week

Do you remember when you were a kid and you felt like your birthday would never come? And then suddenly - BAM! - you had opened all your presents and your party guests had gone home. At the California ReLeaf office, we always feel that way about California Arbor Week....