California Arbor Week
Celebrated Annually March 7 – 14
What is California Arbor Week?
Celebrating California Arbor Week
Our Arbor Week Traditions
Youth Poster Contest – California ReLeaf hosts an annual Arbor Week poster contest for youth ages 5-12. Learn more about our art contest and how the student(s) in your life can participate!
Arbor Week Grants – California ReLeaf, with the help of our partners and sponsors, offers Arbor Week Grants for community groups. Grants fund tree planting efforts throughout the state. Community groups are encouraged to apply! Through grassroots community efforts, tree planting, tree care, and educational programming continue to grow community knowledge and appreciation and advocacy for our urban trees.
Spreading the Word About Arbor Week – California Arbor Week is a great time to give extra recognition to what trees provide us every day! To help spread awareness, California ReLeaf, with the help of partners and sponsors, has developed many resources to celebrate and recognize how trees benefit our communities.
- Educational Resources – Elementary and Middle School Educators can use our online lesson plans
- Media Kit and Templates – Templates for Editorials, OpEds, Social Media Posts, and more!
- Benefits of Trees – Trees make our communities healthy, beautiful, and livable. Urban trees provide an immense range of human, environmental, and economic benefits. Learn more about the many ways trees benefit us!
- Tree Planting Event Toolkit– Want to develop a local tree event and don’t know where to start? Check out our tree planting event toolkit to help you start planning today!
Arbor Week News and Updates
Arbor Week Photo Contest Winners
Congratulations to our two California Arbor Week Photo Contest winners! Check out their beautiful pictures below. My Favorite California Tree "Dust Rays" by Kelli Thompson Trees Where I Live "Oak - Early Morning" by Jack Sjolin
2011 Annual Report
2011 was a great year for California ReLeaf! We're proud of our accomplishments and the accomplishments of our ReLeaf Network members. In 2011, we: Supported 17 significant urban forestry projects that provided California with 72,000 workforce hours supporting 140...
Arbor Week Celebrations Grow Statewide
California Arbor Week Celebrations Grow Statewide Special celebrations highlight the importance of trees to California Sacramento, Calif. – California Arbor Week will be celebrated throughout California March 7-14 to highlight the importance of trees to communities...
Join the Celebration!
Volunteer Locally
Participate in California Arbor Week Celebrations and events in your neighborhood! Search our Network directory to find a community group near you, learn about upcoming events, get in touch, pick up a shovel and get involved.
Become a Sponsor
California ReLeaf welcomes sponsors for California Arbor Week. As a sponsor, your funds will provide grants for local community groups, who will lead Arbor Week tree planting celebrations and educational events recognizing the importance of urban trees. Please email us with the subject line “Sponsorship Interest” to learn more about how you can get involved.
Help support California Arbor Week. Donations will help fund tree plantings and educational events and activities for students and individuals all across the state of California.
Poster Contest Winners Hall of Fame
Photo and Video Contest Winners Hall of Fame
California Arbor Week Sponsors
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”–Chinese Proverb