Getting Exotic in San Jose

Saturdays in November in San Jose just got a little more exciting.


Our City Forest, a California ReLeaf Network member in San Jose, is hosting free exotic tree tours from 2 to 3 p.m. on November 9 and 16 at the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum.


Home to human and cat mummies, a replica of an underground tomb and a planetarium, the museum grounds are also home to many exotic trees. You can wander the grounds on your own, trying to dodge the 15-pound cones falling from the Bunya pine or you can go with an expert tour guide from Our City Forest. Other interesting specimens include Australian Flaxleaf Paperbark Tree, a White Mulberry, two Irish Yews, and a Dawn Redwood.


Anyone interested in attending is asked to gather at the corner of Park and Naglee Avenues, adjacent to the planetarium. Kids are welcome, and the tour lasts about an hour.