
Take a Walk in the Park

A recent study from Edinburgh used new technology, a portable version of the electroencephalogram (EEG), to track the brain waves of students walking through different types of environments. The objective was to measure the cognitive impacts of green space. The study...

Take a Walk

Today is National Walking Day - a day designated to encourage people to get out and walk in their neighborhoods and communities. Trees are an important part of making those communities walkable.   A ten-year study in Melbourne, Australia has found that the...

Nature is Nuture

As a parent of two young children, I know that being outdoors makes for happy children.  No matter how crabby or how testy they are indoors, I consistently find that if I take them outside they are instantly happier. I am amazed by the power of nature and fresh air...

The Physics of Trees

Have you ever wondered about why certain trees only grow so tall or why some trees have giant leaves while others have small leaves? Turns out, it's physics.   Recent studies at University of California, Davis, and Harvard University published in this week's...

Mobile Devices Facilitate Impulse Giving

A recent study by the Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project shows the connection between smartphones and donations to charitable causes. The results are surprising.   Usually, the decision to contribute to a cause is made with thought and...