The Green Rush

by Chuck Mills


A California ReLeaf board member recently commented that urban forestry is now experiencing a “Green Rush” of funding stemming from recent State Budget appropriations. It’s a poignant observation that should motivate all of us to seize this moment. Like California’s seven-year gold rush, this unprecedented stream of new dollars will not last forever.
In an effort to help Network members and community groups mine the state’s urban forestry-related funds, California ReLeaf has a new web page that provides one-stop shopping for the most pertinent California public grants programs that currently exist or are in development for 2014 implementation. Check it out!


There’s $600 million on the table for this current fiscal year for seven distinctly different programs that have one thing in common: trees. From the most obvious connection in CAL FIRE’s Urban and Community Forestry Program to the more refined planning elements of the Strategic Growth Council’s Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program, there are other well-funded opportunities that can support trees and urban forestry as elements of environmental mitigation, energy conservation, improved water quality, and active transportation.


When was the last time you had a chance to peruse this kind of funding menu for an urban forestry project? The answer may be never, so take advantage and try at least one. If there is a relevant state grant program we have missed, let us know and we’ll add it to the list of entrees.


We hope you find this new page a valuable resource, and look forward to hearing your success stories.

Chuck Mills is the Public Grants & Policy Manager at California ReLeaf.